Tarot Visual Journaling eWorkshops
Tarot Visual Journaling is a creative exploration into tarot through art and journal writing. Tap into your own deep well of wisdom and discover new personal insights while learning the meaning and symbolism behind the cards. These workshops are for both the beginner and advanced students of tarot. My e-workshops are designed for those who wish to create in their own space, at their own pace. Each workshop is sent as a PDF and has an art project, tarot teachings and journaling prompts .
There are twelve workshops following the wheel of the year – one for each month. $222 for the package, or $22 for individual workshops
“You are a great leader, teacher, and an inspiration. Your insight is amazing.” Ann Brendon
“I have found that these projects have been incredibly eye opening. May the blessings that you have brought be returned many fold to you.” Stephanie Cox
This is one of the more troubling cards in the tarot deck, hardly anyone likes to see it in a spread. Yet, it is an important card, one that deserves attention. Some-times we need to be reminded that something has finished or needs to end. Often we hopelessly cling to things that no longer serve us. The Death card is here to help us with this transition. In this workshop we will discover how to make peace with endings and in the process we will experience transformation. October/Samhain
This tarot visual journaling exercise is a deep and soulful way to connect with our ancestors. Using tarot and the creative process you will have an opportunity to experience the essence of your beloved dead and respond to them. November/Day of the Dead
12. Wheel of the Year
Using the eight spokes of the Equinoxes, Solstices and Cross Quarter Days we make a blueprint for the year. Each spoke has a window that opens to reveal the card for the six week period of time with a question to ponder. December/Solstice