“Lisa is a great leader, teacher, and an inspiration. Her insight is amazing.” Ann Brendon 


“Lisa opened the dream of the tarot for me while lighting the path for my own creativity to interplay within the deep well of the tarot’s symbolism. Working with Lisa is a beautiful experience.” Pam Bailey

Experience an individual Visionary Art Experience in my beautiful Santa Fe studio. Beginning with a Tarot reading I will determine your unique life cards. You will then be guided in a meditation to meet your tarot archetypes. From a deeply relaxed and open place you will intuitively create a piece of art from your visions. A variety of art supplies are provided such as collage material including tarot imagery and acrylic paint to work on a hardboard panel.  Artists and those who are new to art making are both welcome. I offer instruction and feedback. You will return home with a piece of art that reflects your soul and will work as a guide to lead you through this life journey.

Studio session by appointment including a tarot reading and art supplies – approximately 3 hours.


“Learning tarot has always felt intimidating to me until I met Lisa de St. Croix. After receiving a powerful reading from her (that helped me navigate through a difficult situation in my life at the time) I knew I had to become her student. Her teaching approach is simple, well organized and fun. I received a solid foundation to continue learning on my own and often refer to the notes from my lessons. I feel blessed to have met Lisa! Peleg Top

Are you curious abut learning the Tarot – an ancient system of wisdom, guidance and divination? I offer a comprehensive course on the meaning and symbolism of Tarot cards. You will learn how to trust your intuition and how to read for yourself and others. Four classes cover the Major and Minor Arcana, the Court cards and how to read a variety of spreads.

Classes are in person, or online. The course includes a Tarot de St. Croix deck and PDF’s. 



“I have found that these projects have been incredibly eye opening. May the blessings that you have brought be returned manyfold to you.” Stephanie Cox

“I was amazed at what I was able to create. Lisa unlocked the artist in me that was trying to get out. I felt so free in expressing myself.”Lori Novoa

Tarot Visual Journaling is a creative exploration into tarot through art and journal writing. Tap into your own deep well of wisdom and discover new personal insights while learning the meaning and symbolism behind the cards. These workshops are for both the beginner and advanced students of tarot and are designed for those who wish to create in their own space, at their own pace.

There are twelve workshops following the wheel of the year – one for each month. Each workshop comes as a live link and a downloadable PDF with an art project, tarot teachings and journaling prompts, some have videos. 


Major 2 VJ eThere are many ways to explore which cards relate to you in the tarot. You might automatically identify with certain cards because you share characteristics with them. The major arcana specifically identifies twenty two archetypes that include the mother, father, teacher, lover etc. In this workshop we will work with three aspects that are present within you, finding the cards that represent those qualities and give voice to the archetypes.  January/ New Year



Relationships are the questions most asked of tarot. In this workshop we will be looking at an important relationship in our lives, whether it is with a beloved, some-one we struggle with or even ourselves. I will offer a spread which will help to find clarity and insight and share an art project which will tap into a creative, intuitive way of processing these matters of the heart. February/Valentines



Using the swords, pentacles and wands in tarot, we will receive guidance on how to balanceour mind, body and spirit. We will create a visual journal piece that will bring together our wisdom and creativity in this soulful project. March/ Equinox


4. THE FOOL’S JOURNEY – A treasure map

Treasure Map 4The Fool is both the beginning and the end of the archetypical journey of the soul through the major arcana. In this workshop we will be working with our own inner Fool – the one who is open and trusting and ready for the adventure. We will be making a treasure map using the cards we pull in the Fool’s spread. April Fool’s




Calling down the MoonThe moon has a powerful effect on nature and on our emotions. In this workshop we will explore the Moon card in tarot and be doing a special spread calling down the moon. Creating art and writing about how we relate to the moon will give us insight on how we can harness the energy of the moon. May/Beltane




The Sun is one of the most positive, life affirming cards in the tarot. In this workshop we will be harnessing the energy of the Sun. On a journey to the Sun we will become our shining selves and discover how to radiate our light into this world. June/Solstice




Star 2In this workshop you will ignite the ability to become the Star in your own life and how you can make your wishes come true. There is a tarot spread to divine the cards that will bring guidance from the heavens. As you work on your tarot visual journaling project you will discover your shining self. July




Feasting has long been a ritual of celebration we share with family, friends and community. In this workshop we will work with the energy of The Empress and her court (the court cards) as well as the courses in a feast. Sometimes our holiday feasts can be tense, with difficult family dynamics and rigid old patterns. If this sounds familiar you can use this spread as a blueprint to help you navigate your feasts more smoothly. The spread gives insight on how to stimulate conversation and connection. August/Lammas


9. BRINGING BACK BALANCE – The Twos in Tarot

                                                                           balance-image                   In this workshop you will be in sacred partnership with the tarot, divining how to bring balance into your life by creating and writing. You will be working with the Two of Cups, Two of Pentacles, Two of Swords, Two Wands, II The High Priestess, XI Justice and XX Judgement (whose root numbers are 2.) September/Equinox



endings-2This is one of the more troubling cards in the tarot deck, hardly anyone likes to see it in a spread. Yet, it is an important card, one that deserves attention. Some-times we need to be reminded that something has finished or needs to end. Often we hopelessly cling to things that no longer serve us. The Death card is here to help us with this transition. In this workshop we will discover how to make peace with endings and in the process we will experience transformation. October/Samhain




Dad vj e

This tarot visual journaling exercise is a deep and soulful way to connect with our ancestors. Using tarot and the creative process you will have an opportunity to experience the essence of your beloved dead and respond to them. November/Day of the Dead



Using the eight spokes of the Equinoxes, Solstices and Cross Quarter Days we make a blueprint for the year. Each spoke has a window that opens to reveal the card for the six week period of time with a question to ponder. December/Solstice