Learning Tarot


Are you curious abut learning the Tarot – an ancient system of wisdom, guidance and divination? I offer a comprehensive course on the meaning and symbolism of Tarot cards. You will learn how to trust your intuition and how to read for yourself and others. Four classes cover the Major and Minor Arcana, the Court cards and how to read a variety of spreads. Classes are in person, or online.

The course includes a Tarot de St. Croix deck and PDF’s.

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“Learning tarot has always felt intimidating to me until I met Lisa de St. Croix. After receiving a powerful reading from her (that helped me navigate through a difficult situation in my life at the time) I knew I had to become her student. Her teaching approach is simple, well organized and fun. I received a solid foundation to continue learning on my own and often refer to the notes from my lessons. I feel blessed to have met Lisa!”Peleg Top